Privacy Policy

What data is collected. We collect user supplied names, email addresses and phone numbers. We use Google Analytics, Facebook and HubSpot as web site engagement tools. You can find their privacy policies here, here and here.

How data is being collected. Online forms are used to allow users to voluntarily submit their contact information to us. Google Analytics, Facebook and HubSpot may use cookies and similar technology to track your use of this website.

What we are doing with the data. Data voluntarily supplied to Bayard Design LLC shall not be shared without the user’s express permission. Data collected by Google Analytics, Facebook and HubSpot is governed by their privacy policies.

How customers can control their data. Every marketing e-mail sent by Bayard Design LLC contains an unsubscribe link. Please use this link to enter our opt out list. Alternately you may e-mail or call 617-477-0617 or write to 2400 Massachusetts Ave Cambridge MA 02140 to be included in our opt out e-mail or phone list.

How we protect the data. Data privacy is extremely important to all of us at Bayard Design LLC. All our third party vendors that hold the data mentioned above comply with or align to NIST 800-171.